A family medical history and bone mass measurements are part of a complete assessment. Often a bone fracture is the first sign causes of osteoporosis. Ask your doctor to help you better understand your own risk and become aware of prevention and treatment options.
Bone density tests: Routine x-rays can't detect causes of osteoporosis until it's quite advanced, but other radiological methods can. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved several kinds of devices to estimate bone density. Most require far less radiation than a chest x-ray.
Doctors consider a patient's medical history and risk factors in deciding who should have a bone density test. Readings are compared to a standard for the patient's age, sex and body size. Different parts of the skeleton may be measured and low density at any site is worrisome. Bone density tests are useful for confirming a diagnosis causes of osteoporosis if a person has already had a suspicious fracture or for detecting low bone density so that preventive steps can be taken.
By Chris Chenoweth