That calcium supplements do for osteoporosis prevention or treatment? After decades of use, studies say the answer is no. In the article entitled "Greater calcium intake will reduce the risk of osteoporosis, women, the study says," by shari roan in the Los Angeles Times revealed that the risk of fracture did not decline among women who started taking more calcium as they began to age. We also know that Americans are huge amounts of calcium supplements, but still have one of the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world. Well, at least it was a good effort: it did not hurt to take calcium. Or did it?
We also found that people who take calcium experiencing things like bone spurs and kidney stones. Although many claim that calcium is the same regardless of the form this is just not true. The human body is to consume the proper foods that contain calcium not the rock of calcium will not pick up the calcium that can not be from organic sources (food). Considering that the body will just pick up and use calcium, which in fact should be stored massive quantities that we take as the inorganic tablets and capsules. We can make a large bone spurs and kidney stones from these things. However, it avoids the real question.
If this is not a high intake of calcium, which helps, what else can we do to get strong bones and prevent / treat osteoporosis and osteoarthritis? This is the real question. In our society in North America we have a few choices that can be divided into two categories:
Drug treatment with substances such as Boniva. Although medications such as this can produce a dense growth of bone, the bone is different. It is more susceptible to crushing forces associated with normal weight bearing movements. In other words, it is harder, but more brittle. It does not help us much. On the negative side, the side effects can occur such as: gastric ulcer muscle pain, bone jaw osteonecrosis (jaw bone decay)severe renal: kidney much natural therapies, as well as weight bearing exercise, sunshine (for vitamin D), organic (food) minerals such as calcium, magnesium, silicon, and appropriate assistance in the hormonal balance. These therapies are particularly interesting because they can be helpful in bone health, without causing harmful side effects (such as with drug therapy). Let's make it clear, so you'll be able to select, acquire and apply these therapies to ease.
For decades we've heard that weight-bearing exercise causes the bones to strengthen. To do this exercise, we just walk in and pick up objects and move them. This puts the burden on the bones. The body then reacts by actually increasing bone density and strength of influence.
Exposure of our skin in the sun for full-time causes our skin to produce vitamin D. Medical scientists tell us that vitamin D is needed to create strong bones.
Appropriate action to restore hormonal balance and help to produce strong bones. What is appropriate? In my opinion that means to supply the body with the materials can be used to restore hormonal balance. She will do it. Certain herbs also contain blocks that the body uses to manufacture hormones.
Last of the natural therapies for strong bones are foods and herbs rich in organic minerals such as calcium, magnesium, silicon, boron. These materials are used instead of oral calcium supplements found on drugstore shelves. Carrots, for example, are high in calcium. Certain plants are high in silicon and boron, needed to use calcium. Magnesium is as important as calcium in bones commonly found in vegetables.
Now have information that will allow you to make smart choices that will result in a healed and healthy bones. All the factors mentioned are important. If was were left out the body can not do its job of making strong bones for us.